This site has been created to inform all people and friends of Anse-a-Veau about the projects of CORA on behalf of the ‘arrondisement’ of Anse-à-Veau (Kreyol: Ansavo).  It is a coastal municipality in one of the three ‘arrondisements’ of the department of Nippes in Haiti.  The town is one of the five communes in the arrondisement.  The population has approximately 27,472 inhabitants.

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Ce site a été créé pour informer tous les Anse-à-Velais, amis de l’Anse-à-Veau et généralement tous les intéressés sur les activités et projets de CORA, au nom de l’arrondissement de l’Anse-à-Veau. Ce site est aussi un espace de recherche d’appui et de financement auprès des organismes nationaux et internationaux.


EPSA’s Education Conference

Fr. Enel sent to CORA pictures of a conference held at EPSA on “higher education”. CORA was asked to contribute for the accreditation fee requested by the Ministry of Education and Professional Studies (MENFP). The speakers for that conference of May 20, 2017 were Dr. Gethro Louis Jean from Port-au-Prince and Msgr. Yves Voltaire, Diocesan Education Coordinator.
CORA is pleased at this development which will assure that the young adults of the town will be pursuing an education that is officially recognized and approved by the national education authorities.

CORA’s President in Brossard

In March 2017, the president of CORA, Inc., Mr. Alphonse Labissière, visited the Petits Frères de St. Therese (PFST) who have been in Brossard since 2013. He wanted to see the recovery process of their work after Hurricane Matthew. Many crops were lost but fortunatel,y not all the seedlings. Below you will see some of the pictures of their work as well as the facility they are building in which to live in. Mr. Labissière felt that progress was being made and he is very grateful to all those who contributed to achieve this goal.



Hurricane Matthew – Effect In Brossard and surrounding areas

Le 06 Novembre 2016
Un bilan sur les dégâts causes par le cyclone Matthew dans la communauté de Brossard et ses environs;
au niveau de l’habitat:
une vingtaine de maisons sont détruites et plus qu’une cinquantaine d’autres sont endommagées,
Sur le plan agricole:
-La plupart des arbres fruitiers et forestiers sont saccages par le vent et tant d’autres sont déracinés ou emportes par les rivières en crues
-Tous les jardins de tout sortes sont dévastés tel que: pois, igname, canne a sucre pour ne citer que ceux-là.
Au niveau élevage,
-Apicole : 30% des ruches ont été détruits
-75% de volailles ont été disparus et les 25% qui restent ne sont pas à l’abris et exposes aux maladies de toutes sortes.
-Pour les bétails: les moutons et caprins 55% ont été détruits. Les ports 10% ont été détruits, pour les bœufs et autres, 8% environ ont été détruits ou emportes par les rivières en crues.
Nous, les Petits-Frères de Ste-Thérèse travaillant dans la zone depuis trois ans, œuvrant dans plusieurs domaines tel que: accompagnement des paysans au niveau de l’agriculture, reboisement, conservation de sol, apiculture, nous avons aidé une centaine de familles à procurer des parcelles de banane et maraichère etc…
Au niveau de transformation:
Nous avons mis sur pied pas mal d’ateliers de transformation comme:
-un moulin a canne et des guildives de raffinerie en clairin.
-Un atelier de transformation de manioc en farine ou en cassava.
-des moulins de céréales et d’arachides.
Pour faciliter notre tâche combien important et difficile, nous avons mis sur pied une organisation dénommées: Coalition des paysans pour l’Avancement Social et Economique de Brossard et ses Environs (COPASEB) y compris une commission de transformation des produits locaux.
N.B. Que cette organisation n’est pas encore reconnue par le ministère des affaires Sociales.
Recevez, cher directeur nos salutations les plus fraternelles et distinguées.
Frère LOUIS Camille pour la Congrégation des (PFST)
Me LECONTE Carmel présidents de la (COPASEB)

Translation of Report on Damages caused by Hurricane Matthew in Brossard, Nippes, Haiti
An assessment of the damage caused by Hurricane Matthew in the community of Brossard and its surrounding areas;
At the level of the habitat (housing): About twenty houses were destroyed and more than fifty others were damaged.
On the agricultural level: -Most fruit and forest trees were blown away and so many others were uprooted or carried away by flooded rivers -Gardens of all kinds such as: peas, yams, sugar canes to name but a few were destroyed.
At the husbandry/breeding level, -Apiaries: 30% of all hives was destroyed -75% of poultry was lost and the remaining 25% were not sheltered and exposed to diseases of all kinds. –Livestock: 55% of sheep and goats were killed. 10% of Porks were destroyed, 8% of oxen and other domestic animals were destroyed or washed away by flooded rivers.
We, the The Littles Brothers of Ste-Thérèse (PFST) have been working in the area for three years in several capacities, such as: support for peasants in agriculture, reforestation, soil conservation and beekeeping.  We have helped hundreds of families  obtain plots to plant banana and vegetables, etc …
At the transformation of product level: We have set up a number of processing mills such as: -a sugar cane mill and white rum distillery -A mill for processing yams into flour or cassava as well as cereals and groundnuts.
However, facilitating our task, which is so important in the rural region, has proven to be difficult.  We have set up an organization called the Coalition of Peasants for the Social and Economic Advancement of Brossard and its Surrounding areas (COPASEB)  This includes a commission for the processing of local products. That this organization has not yet been recognized by the Ministry of Social Affairs in Haiti.

PFST Report – Brossard Summer Camp July 2016

PFST report in Brossard as of July 27, 2016 for monies received from CORA for the REVER project. $1,000 for the construction of housing facilities and $900 for the purchase of 150 plaintain seedlings (a dozen @ 300 gdes per dozen). A total of 45,000 gdes was spent for tilling the soil and for transportation to the fields. Forty seven (47) families benefited from this agricultural project.

The Summer Camp was sponsored by the Renesansavo program of CORA and was supervised by the PFST in Brossard. Br. Camille met with the counselors on July 10 to review what was expected from them during the 2 weeks.

The summer camp began on July 11, 2016. Every day began with prayer, a biblical excerpt, followed by different sports, educational activities, music/song, and Arts and Crafts. The day camp ended at 5:30 pm after the day’s evaluation and final prayer.   One trip to the beach was made.  However, the other trip to the waterfall had to be cancelled because of bad weather and impassable roads.

The camp was organized to accommodate 50 children but 62 showed up (32 girls and 30 boys), and they were then divided into 5 groups. Five members of the Renesansavo Project were hired to be counselors at the camp and instruct the campers in specific areas, according to their talents.

Children and parents were happy for these summer days and thanked all the groups as well as individuals who made financial contributions to pay for the personnel, breakfast and lunch, supplies, trips, and tools. Total expenditure for this venture was $4,809.

Renesansavo July 13–Aug. 7, 2015 Part II of a two year pilot project for the renewal of Anse-a-Veau

All twenty-six participants from Summer 2014 returned to the program this year.  In addition, we had two young men from Jacmel’s Cine Institute who were responsible for documenting the project to produce a documentary.  This year, we were thankful for the participation of the Red Cross, the Federation Des Caisses Populaires Le Levier, the Petits Frère de St. Therese, and a professor on Haitian Realities based on the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church who instructed and conducted workshops.  We were also joined by two educators from NY who taught ESL vocabulary related to hospitality and tourism.
This year’s focus was on planning, organizing, and implementing the first biennial festival, a prelude to 2021’s 300th anniversary celebration.  Ecole Polytechnique de St. Anne (EPSA) and the Salesians were instrumental in providing space for classes and for housing our guests working on the project.  The team of Renesansavo participated in the implementation of part of the festival—conference, gala, medical and agricultural fairs, beach party—all organized by CORA NY and Haiti.  Music of the Heart had their marching band open the festival by marching through the town.  Two teams went to Acaau site in Joly.  The beach area was cleaned and managed by one of our teams.  At Brossard, Dr. Dupiton, assisted by two EPSA student nurse participants in the program, along with our teachers who did triage, attended to about 142 children.
Other participants helped some of the merchants in the agricultural fair.   More details and information can be found on the coordinator’s blog: The Haiti Diaries

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The Links to our You Tube videos will give you an idea of what happened during the summer.  Go to the Videos page or go to Projects and click on Renesansavo.


St. Andrew’s in Joly, Nippes

Praise and Glory be to God the great designer in time, connection and relationships. St. Andrew’s Church of Joly was completed through the dedicated and committed efforts of Kanna McGuire of Pax Christi, Colorado; the spiritual support and encouragement of Marie Fouché of CORA, Inc.; and the hard work of Patricia Brintle of From Here to Haiti (FHTH). The finished church was rededicated and inaugurated during the week-end of November 29-30, 2014 for the occasion of the feast day of St. Andrew. This event reaffirmed these three women’s respective missions. While they helped build a much needed facility, they invigorated the hope of a community.
chapel joly 2012    DSCN0615
Joly 2014 (2)    joly 2014